Amazing Stories of those who live past 100

There is actually an e-magazine called The Centenarian that concentrates on that demographic.  It is hard to believe but that section of the population is the fastest growing sector of the global population.

“In total numbers the United States has the most centenarians with current estimates as high as 72,000. If the population of centenarians continues to increase at its current rate of expansion there could be close to 1 million people of 100 years of age or more by 2050 residing in the US. “

There are about 450,000 people over 100 years-old worldwide right now and if current trends continue (a big if) the global population will reach 3 million by 2050. Read more

Wisdom from the Dying

Wisdom from the Dying – Four REALLY Important Things

So what have hospice workers learned about living. Day after day they care for those who are living their last days and moments. What do they hear over and over?

Four things tend to be the consistent advice from the dying: Read more

Embracing the change to assisted living

Facing a Move to Assisted Living?

Moving to Assisted Living is not the beginning of the end, but the beginning of a new phase in your life.

We have heard it said that life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass.  Life is about learning to dance in the rain.    And that is so true when you are facing physical or mental decline and you need to make changes to adjust.

Just as in any challenging time of life, you can decide to smile, roll with the punches and spread joy, or you can frown, resist and be miserable. Read more

Downsizing to an Assisted Living Facilty

More Indicators — Moving Mom or Dad to Assisted Living

We gave you the FIVE ABSOLUTE INDICATORS for moving Mom or Dad to Assisted Living or Memory Care.

Below is a list of a few other things to look for when visiting your parents that may indicate it is time.  Life is not always black and white.  The indicators below may be triggers for you and your loved-one to start touring facilities and planning for the future.

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Five Absolute Indicators That It Is Time to Move Your Loved One into Assisted Living.

There are many indicators that cognitive or physical decline is happening.  It is hard for adult children, spouses and siblings who may visit briefly to know when it is time to move their loved one into a safer and more social environment like an Assisted Living Community.

A diagnosis of dementia or a degenerative disease may happen while a person is still very able to handle most of the aspects of their lives.  So when is the right time, where is that invisible line?

Here are five sure signals that it is time.

  1. What’s that smell??? If your loved one who has always been clean is no longer attending to their personal hygiene, it is probably time for them to get some regular help with that.  If you have noticed a strong urine odor, or clothing is being worn multiple times without washing, it is probably time for Assisted Living.
  2. Lack of housekeeping. Check out the kitchen and the fridge when you visit.  Things to look for are a more-than-normal stash of spoiled food that has not been thrown away.  You may see dishes are undone and there is an un-characteristic untidiness.
  3. Even though you may set out their medications in daily pill boxes, they still lose track of medications. They forget to take them or take too large a dose.
  4. Trouble getting to the bathroom or moving around the house. … Falling — sometimes families install a necklace alert that the elderly person can push if they fall or get into trouble.  But if you loved one is forgetting to wear the necklace or forgetting the purpose of it… time to move to Assisted Living.
  5. Is she or he no longer making sound decisions or observations? For example, when the phone rings, are they able to answer in a timely manner?  Are they able to tell a solicitation call from another kind of call?  Are they becoming vulnerable to scam artists?  Do they forget to turn off the stove or the water faucet?   Are they able to make a phone call?

Those five are absolutes.  There are other indicators that may also trigger the need to move into a caring community.  If your loved one is in the early stages and you don’t see these absolutes, now is the time to tour homes and decide where would be the best place.

Planning ahead will make the transition smoother and you may be able to include you loved one in the decision earlier on.  Be sure to choose a facility with secure memory care, like Kiva Assisted Living.  The units are designed for comfort and safety and the staff have training on assisting in a compassionate and effective manor.

Contact us at Kiva for a tour and start you plan for when you see one of the five top indicators.

Activities and Community vs Loneliness and Isolation

People tend to resist the change of moving into Senior Housing and Assisted Living. Once they do make the change, we hear over and over again that they shouldn’t have waited so long.

Downsizing to an Assisted Living Facilty

Downsizing to an Assisted Living Facilty

How can you make a smaller space feel like home?

A new book coming out by on January 5, 2015 by Marni Jamison documents how to sort through all the stuff in the family home and downsize into a much smaller home in Independent or Assisted Living Apartment or a Nursing home. Downsizing the Family Home contains pointers that will help families decide what to keep, what to take.

Downsizing to an Assisted Living Facilty

“Downsizing the Family Home: What to Save, What to Let Go,” comes out from Sterling Publishing Jan. 5, and chronicles how to sift through a parent’s belongings as they move to smaller quarters. (Marni Jameson.)

  1. It is tempting to keep too much. If you must, do a storage facility for those items you can’t part with yet, but that will not fit in the space you are moving to.
  2. Try to recreate the look and feel of their previous home by using their belongings.
  3. Think about the items and how they will be used in the new place. Put those items used most in easy to access places.
  4. Don’t crowd the space. Remember that there are common areas to sit when guests visit. If the space is too small for more than one chair or loveseat don’t try to add more.
  5. A standing or table lamp will add lighting that is warm and cozy, like home. The over-head lights can make the space feel institutional.
  6. Keep walkways wide enough for walkers, canes, and wheelchairs. If you want rugs, secure the edges down with carpet tape to avoid a tripping hazard.
  7. The rooms in the new home will most likely be painted a neutral color. Bring some familiar colorful things with you. Crazy patterns may confuse someone with dementia, keep patterns simple. Soothing warm colors is best.
  8. Remember the afghan or the shawl or lap quilt to keep them warm, and display it over the arm of a chair or the end of the bed.
  9. Pictures of course. Trigger good memories with pictures and wall art from the family home.

Our staff at Kiva Assisted Living are available to advise you on how best to make the transition for your loved one.

If your loved-one has dementia it is best to have them otherwise occupied while you quickly move those items that will make the new place feel like home.  Set up their new apartment first with familiar objects and then bring them in.  Visit often in the first week while they transition into the activities, facilities, and social interactions that make Kiva Assisted Living a comfortable and enjoyable home.